2020-2022 could be it

pretty sure people have been saying "this could be it" "within the next few years" for like the past century. Honestly why even worry about it anymore.
As media is next to useless, I have found the best source of real information to be from a company called Forward Observer. Ex army intel dude started I guess what you would call an intel briefing company. I pay for a subscription to their daily report. Gives international, economic, and domestic sit rep. Good info. They put out a series of youtube videos as well that are worth watching so you can check out their content and decide if you think its worthwhile enough to get a subscription. I've been getting their daily briefings for at least the last year and it's been spot on. I even saved them (I believe they are saved on their site as well) so that I can periodically go back and double check some of the things they were discussing first and compare to follow on events. I've been impressed. They even put out a great video on how to properly do an in depth area study to help you build one of your own area. Knowing is half the battle.
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