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  1. Mead Making

    Looks interesting.
  2. Fresh baked bread!

    I've tried and tried and tried to make a starter for sourdough but have failed every single time. I've watched many many videos and read multiple blogs on it... Any tips?
  3. Christmas Dinner…

    Outstanding! Looks good. I use this to sear: https://grillblazer.com/?utm_medium=GoogleAds&utm_campaign=&utm_source=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIr5KJy9aW_AIVfYFaBR2MVwVxEAAYASAAEgLU9vD_BwE
  4. Costco Meat

  5. Costco Meat

    Just Sous Vide the steak at 132 degrees for 4 hours, sear it with a blow torch (link below) and be done with it. Perfectly tender steak every time...
  6. Vienna Sausage

    Glad to see I'm not the only one to grow eating Vienna Sausage sandwiches... cut'em in half and you two left over to scarf.
  7. First attempt at baking bread.

    That's a good idea. I never liked digging the mixer out of the bottom of the loaf. Think I'll give that a try. Thx!
  8. First attempt at baking bread.

    We have one. It makes pretty good bread, but no matter what we try, the outside crust is always as hard as a rock... inside is soft and perfectly risen.
  9. Who would of thought!!! Hot Damn!!!!!

    The stove came with the propane orifices and the regulator has a switch on it. I changed out the orifices and rotated the switch on the regulator for the propane setting... Maybe I need to start looking for a pro to come take a look at it.
  10. Who would of thought!!! Hot Damn!!!!!

    We got our first gas range a few months ago. It was setup for natural gas, so we switched it over to propane. The burners don't seem to have very much finesse in the flame height. For the most part, they are low or high and very little in between. I was told that propane doesn't adjust as...
  11. Grilled cheese

    Yep, needs a light coating of mayo.
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