Worst book you had to read in school?

In cold blood by Truman capote. Think that's how you spell his name, if not blame it on Alabama publik skoolz. They taught me spelling too. Lol. Hated that dang book!
In grad school we had to read "An Inconvenient Truth" by Algore.

I would rather masturbate to a video Barney Frank taking a dump than read that again.

Thanks for that visual!

-I'm gonna have nightmares for a week now......

(And my God-what abuse! An inconvenient truth..... God-that must have been awful!)
Oh yeah-

That one was long, and stupid...

Anyone have to read Beowulf? I thought that was a stinker also.

Not nearly on the level of that damn Foucalt's pendulum, but pretty much as awful as Dante's inferno.


Beowulf, dear god that is a slow and painful death. I hate that book.
Grapes of Wrath, but now thinking it was a good thing,never thought we would be living it.
And Great Expectations, must have been trying to tell us something huh?
I really enjoyed Great Expectations, Silas Marner, Ender's Game, 1984, Animal Farm, To Kill a Mockingbird, A Brave New World, On the Beach, All Mark Twain, Lots of Poe, etc. Got to read a lot of very good books in Jr High /HS... I think you guys hate a lot of the books because you were made to read em and do book reports, etc... takes a lot of fun out of them. I'm not a big fan of Steinbeck, Grapes of Wrath and Of Mice and Men, both bummers. I like Dickens although Tale of TWO Cities is sooo damn long! I hated the Great Gatsby... a classic? Really? Romeo and Juliet... didn't bother me when they died (whiners) (I did like MacBeth) Canterbury Tales... blech, both long and boring? Thanks teach!

The worst, hands down, is anything by Thomas Harding... possibly the most boring writer that ever lived... I really considered leaving college prep English and sneaking into the remedial English class to get away from it (I think they were reading from the "Dick and Jane" series)! Far from the Madding Crowd and Tess of the d'Urbervilles. Makes me ill thinking about it!

Although I have to say, even the worse of the stuff I had to read was better than some of the trash in schools today... the Twilight seriess?? Gag me...
I LOVED Beowulf. That being said, I had an amazing history/Lit teacher and he made the whole book fascinating.

Oh, I enjoyed it as well... definitely a guys story :) It didn't hurt that my English teachers in both Jr High and HS were cute as hell... definitely had my attention :)
Tale of TWO Cities is sooo damn long! No dout!
I was a big fan of Edgar Allen Poe, and then I red a bio on him, and that pretty much explained why I liked him.
MacBeth ? Im with you on that, I did like it and always thought how cool it would be if everyone spoke like that.
Think what that would sound like in Techwood,lol
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