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World of Warcraft....i cant be the only one on here.

There is no death penalty to speak of in most of these games but there are notable exceptions to that rule like EVE

well if you rez at the graveyard in wow you get rez sickness, minus 75% (i think) to all your stats for like 10 minutes. thats why you always run back (if you can lol)
Ill admit it I play WoW. I run a guild in Suramar and was really into raiding up until the last expansion. Now not so much but its still fun to pass the time
Ill admit it I play WoW. I run a guild in Suramar and was really into raiding up until the last expansion. Now not so much but its still fun to pass the time

cata raiding was a huge letdown. specially the deathwing fight, alot less epic than it could have been. same reason i play now. post up my real id tonight at about 7ish on here when i get home (forgot it lol). anyone can hit me up if they need a tank for some 5 mans ally side.
Ill admit it I play WoW. I run a guild in Suramar and was really into raiding up until the last expansion. Now not so much but its still fun to pass the time

actually also, are yall horde or ally? how active in pve are yall? im looking for a guild that is more active in pve. people to run 5 mans, challenge modes, and maybe the occasional raid if i got the time.
For the Alliance!!!! actually, i would love to find a chill adult horde pve based guild somewhere.

ughhhh 30 more mins till i get off, deal with atl traffic to get home. then logging on.

trying to down the illidari council solo in BT on my rogue right now. such a pain in the a$$!!!! need to do it on my pally for the shield off illidan. since my shield i want will never drop for my pally in bwl (the one off 2nd boss). has dropped 3 weeks in a row for my rogue though.....sucks.
I just joined my guild on my most recent server but they seem relaxed. Have no idea of ages yet. I'll get you my server name when I get home at about midnight(I can't keep track of which one I'm playing on at any given time). but as for a paid transfer I can't say whether or not they are where you want to spend money. As I said earlier...just make another alt. LOL!
with real id though i dont have to really, unless i want to join the guild. can do a party/raid invite to people from other servers with it. hmmmm ive leveled about every class pretty decent, maybe try out a holy pally before i spend the time to gear out my main. but its so painfully slow without the BOA gear lol.

i probably wont be up that late tonight, wake up at 430am for work lol. ill start one on the server sometime anyway and see if i can get tossed a invite. can tell how mature a guild is by watching guild chat lol.
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