Why do people post things as “FOR TRADE ONLY”?

If I really wanted to sell something I would would have joined the Outdoors Seller, for me it's kinda a hobby to trade I really hate selling anything unless it doesn't trade, my grandfather and great grandfather were the same as I, and finally if we get forced to have government controlled digital currency it will be the only way to get something without the government knowing or controlling what you can get.
Most of us here have a collection, spent years buying, selling, trading. Once a collection matures and the owner is satisfied it becomes more difficult to find the next firearm that is desired.

To sell a prized possession for its cash value may not be the end goal as one could wish to replace it with an equally rare item.
All the money in the world may not locate the next purchase and hence people wish to trade only.

They only want one thing and won’t sell a favorite firearm that keeps going up in value for cash.
I’m usually looking for something rare and hard to find these days.

Why sell something nice but not find the next purchase or need the cash at all.
people who enjoy taking advantage of situations love a trade deal, hoping they can get a CZ shadow2 or a Tanfoglio Stock 2 on trade for their kustomized high point fawety. This is not always the case but it is in the back of the minds of most humans. Humans area highly overrated as a species.
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Sometimes I think the ODT should change its name to the HOA. Seems a lot of Karens out there worry too much about what other folks do with their property.

Business: If it ain’t mine, I try not to make it mine.

Okay, you made me do this! Lol!

Little Johnny was sitting on a park bench munching on one chocolate bar after another. After the sixth one an elderly man sitting on the bench across from him said, "Son, you know eating all those sweets isn't good for you. It will give you acne, rot your teeth and make you fat."
Little Johnny replied, "My grandfather lived to be 107 years old."
The man asked, "And did your grandfather eat six chocolate bars at a time?"
"No," replied Little Johnny, "but he minded his own fu¢€ing business!"
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