Who has a complaint about the current day Flight Attendants.... Here is the Solution

I work for Delta too......took a last minute trip to Madrid for New Years........We get to fly in Business Class if it is available, and it was.
Here is the thing.......our beloved customers pay HUGE money for those seats up front. H U G E !!!!!!!You'd think the wheels running our company would think about having the most attentive, attractive, pleasant ladies they could get working up front. NOT!!!! They were anything but, and included a couple of "men" as well!

Its not the DAL of 1982 anymore. Not even close!!
Used to fly delta business whenever I went to Europe or Asia (if I couldn't get a flight on Singapore Air).
Most of the flight attendants were older than I was, and I was in my 60's. Some of them were wider than the drink carts.
The story goes that back in the 70's when the idea of male F/A's was first discussed at DAL, the then CEO/Chairman of the board exclaimed that" there won't be any G** D*** faggots flying on my airplanes!!!!"
He was long gone before there were.
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