Where are all the new cars?

I think it's all bullsh!t. Can anyone explain how Ford and GM can convert from manufacturing automobiles to producing respirators / ventilators in less than one month? Then why can't they produce micro chips or processing chips in the same time frame? You will get the correct answer to your question when the economy recovers and inflation sets in. Right now these companies are busy printing new invoices for the $10,000 price increase before the cars are slowly moved to the dealerships.
Auto manufacturers don’t actually make ANY thing
They just assemble parts that are made by suppliers .
A lot of which are now manufactured in China.
Ford motor nor any other car company couldn’t build a computer chip if their lives depended on it.
They can barely have their employees slap parts together on the assembly line
And just you know
My wife works at Honda.. they claim their chips come outta Texas.. last I checked Texas ain’t in chiner
Ordered a La-z-Boy chair in Jan and will not get it until November. It's made in Tennessee. Sales Rep said the government will not let them manufacture at more than 40% capacity. I have a hard time believing that. I don't think it has any chips in it. Probably will be after I snack in it a couple of times though.
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