What's the problem with Taurus??!

My issue with Taurus pistols stems from what I have seen when they are put into a class/training setting. With exception of a couple of the 92 models which seem to be excellent quality, every Taurus I have been in the training environment with has had a "problem."
To me, I would rather people pay another 75-100 dollars and get a quality firearm than to pay for a Taurus.
I owned a Taurus 357 mag and carried it daily, until I was shooting it at the range one day. While shooting double action the hammer froze halfway back. I tried to get the hammer to fall by pulling the trigger a couple times but the whole thing was locked up. Taking my finger off the trigger I turned the gun over in my support hand to inspect it (I know that was dumb, but this all happened in a manner of seconds) and it went off on it's own, taking a piece of my index finger with it and burning my thumb and middle finger.

A gunsmith said it was caused by Taurus' "Safety" lock, now I don't trust Taurus. If I had to use it in a defensive situation, what was preventing that gun from seizing up when I needed it and then going off when I didn't.

For that matter I wont buy a S&W with the lock either.

Rather common, seen it myself and the exact reason I will not buy a Taurus revolver. Also, ever compare the feel side by side of Taurus with a Smith or even Ruger? No comparison to me.
What makes someone who buys quality guns a snob? I never experienced a problem with the Taurus I owned a few years ago except when I decided to trade it.
There's nothing wrong with a Taurus weapon, save they do not use the same marketing firms as Glock, Sig, Harley-Davidson, etc...see a pattern? :p
I am probably going to open pandora's box with this but why are there so many Taurus haters??? I have and/or owned 2 Taurus handguns. An aluminum 1911 and still own and carry a 38 Ultra Lite some days. Now I understand Taurus has had quality issues in the past and many people do not like their plastic handguns or autos. With that being said, in my honest opinion guns are just like any other product we as consumers buy. Sometimes you get a great working product and sometimes you get a lemon. My Taurus 1911 was a GREAT functioning and GREAT shooting gun!! My 38 Ultra Lite has never given me one problem at all. I've heard more bad things about Kimbers quality issues and customer service here lately then Taurus. I think it's just been more of an uphill battle for Taurus to win back distraught customers and dismantle their past as an inferior firearms producer. Everyone is entitled to say "this company is junk" and "I will never buy anything from them again". I just think its kind of comical when someone puts a Taurus in the "no trade" category as Hi-Points or other low end guns. Granted they are not a high end gun maker buy a long shot and sure they're not a Smith or a Colt but they have made leaps and bounds in recent years with their revolvers and introduction of their 1911's. To each his own but I just hate when people immediately shoot down a trade or sale when a Taurus is involved. Thanks for reading.

Criminy Guy !

You really know how to stir up the hornets !

If you had asked to sleep with our wives, you wouldn't have agitated as many people.
I will put my kimber up against that pt1911 anyday, hell any taurus for that matter(I also own a pt1911 and a taurus 357)...but to save my life, I will put my glock up against anyfirearm I own!

That is just it. Isn't it ?

If you are betting your life, what do you want to have in your hand ?

If you are just having fun, who cares what you are playing with ?
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