What's really going on and why? Craft Contractors, Saudi suspect, Chechnyans oh my!!

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So it seems the Martial Law drill is over and not too many people in Boston argued against being forced to stay in their homes, having a no fly zone imposed over them, having all transportation shutdown and how about ILLEGALLY searching everyone's homes without warrants to do so. People need to wake the hell up cause this is serious!! Questions about this stuff still unanswered! You do not have to have a tin hat or be an extreme Alex Jones supporter to open your eyes and see what is going on. I love my America and these SOBs are trying their best to change it forever right in front of your eyes.

Everyone should ask yourselves a couple of questions:
This President and his administration left 4 Americans to be murdered in Benghazi while they watched for 7hrs and did nothing to help them. These people were beggining for help and THEY LET THEM BE MURDERED! and still will notprovide the truth about it.

This President and his administration ILLEGALLY ran thousands of ARs and AKs across the border to Mexico to the drug cartels in hopes they would be used to MURDER people. The sole purpose was to provide a platform to ban what they define as assault rifles in the United States. Mexico was not made aware that this was happening, the DOJ just did it and the DOJ works for the President. Over 200 of Mexico's men, women and children were MURDERED and 2 American federal agents were murdered with these same guns. Again this President and his administration refuse to answer questions about these murders.

Is it really so far fetched and unbelievable after having gotten away with the above listed attrocities that this President and his adminstration would not announce a drill at the Boston Marathon and then explode a couple of pressure cooker bombs that killed three and mammed many more and blame on a couple of patsies all to test how free Americans would handle having Martial Law imposed on them? I think not!

In fact I wouldn't even put it past them to have killed all those kids at Sandy Hook to push their agenda of getting rid of what they call assault rifles and high capacity magazines. Look how upset the liberals and this President were that their antigun bills failed. Sorry but anyone that would do the above I don't trust and you shouldn't either.
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