what have you done to prep 3/2021

But, I like guns more than I like gardening.
So my "survival prep" in the last year consisted of
increasing my gun collection from 187 guns to 195 guns.
Guns are fun!
Seeds, and fertilizer, not so much.
I haven't done anything extra or different than normal, I was raised by my grandparents who lived during the depression, they taught me " waste not want not". I have been growing a garden, canning foods and hunting my entire life. I have food and essentials to last at least four months maybe longer as long as we don't have to abandon home and run. I started this year much like all the others, prepping ground for the spring planting, tending to seedlings that will be transferred when ready and sharing with family that ran out or was in need. I do not consider myself a prepper, I am sure if there was a cataclysmic event I do not have every thing I may need but I know how to get it and know how to survive with very little.

Any gardening tips?
Bought a 16 ft camper with all the necessary accruements and have selected a bugout spot with plenty of water, Fish, Game, f the time comes.
bought a Generator to run it when AC is needed
8 Full 20 lb propane tanks
food galore
TP galore
more boolets than Academy
AWD vehicle
lets rock
Ate a big ass piece of cheesecake from Marietta diner this morning and awaiting the explosion of my stomach that will kill me
Same ol’
Keep the cars’ and generator’s fuel and spare tanks topped off.
Test run generator monthly.
Extra propane tanks for the grill.
Few months food, bottled water, and prescription supplies.
Little extra cash and silver on hand.
The means to protect all the above.
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