Well, this kinda sucks!

Well, still sitting here waiting to be told when they’re doing the surgery to remove this defibrillator. The antibiotics are working very well so the abcess has gotten smaller and a lot less inflamed.
The staff got me up at 5:00 am to prep me for the surgery (shaved my chest and a bath with antibiotic soap), I’ve had nothing to eat or drink since about 9:00 pm last night, getting kinda hungry but would REALLY like a cup of coffee!

All things considered, I’m doing well and really appreciate the prayers and well wishes.
Thanks, Mike
First of all, thanks to all for the prayers and well wishes!
Now to update a bit further, they are unable to get the schedule worked out between the surgeons (basically have to have an open heart surgical team on standby when the defibrillator and leads are removed in case they accidentally pop an artery) so it looks like it may be next week for the surgery, which kinda sucks, but the upside is I’m probably going home until then! Which is great! Of course I’ll still be on antibiotics until the surgery but I would much rather be lounging at home than the hospital.
a selfie of my ugly mug from my hospital bed!
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