Training Before Obtaining Carry Permit?

Yeah sorry but the government does not regulate the Constitution.

Are you advocating mandatory training to carry a firearm with a training url in your signature?

I advocate Responsible Gun Ownership. Yes I provide a service, people attend voluntarily. It's not mandatory. I find it interesting how many are against learning Safe Firearms Handling. No, I currently do not advocate mandatory training. I do encourage being responsible. The challenge is figuring out who is responsible and who is not. And, yes, your elected officials make up the government and they regulate the constitution. The Second Amendment was a regulation/adjustment to the constitution. The government makes law, the courts enforce it... Or at least thats how it's supposed to be. The citizens vote for our representatives in the hopes they have the same mind set as we do.
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And my Right to Bear Arms should not be in question because someone is unable to understand the simplicity of 2A.

If you're that scared of firearms, perhaps you should not be around them.

Firearms are not the issue... It's the few uncaring and unresponsible we all should be concerned about. We have The Right To Bear Arms, Safe Firearms Ownership is a Responsibility. Most accept the responsibility, some do not.
What if the sky falls? We can over dramatize everything, it has nothing to do with the constitution it just weeds out those who aren't mentally ready to bear the responsibility of carrying a firearm. Does that not register at all when you are out with your family and one of those types of people start popping shots at you because they can't handle their firearm. Or have no clue of the laws or their responsibility.
Im not going to get in a long drawn out argument, it never leads to anything positive.
I am just giving my factual experience.
Your posts are really incredible. So you are fine (obviously) with an overly powerful federal government further infringing on the only Constitutionally protected right that specifically says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
What about limiting the caliber for civilian ownership? Let's face it, most people can't adequately handle a S&W .500 or .460. Perhaps the government should at least make those NFA items?
Considering the noise guns make far exceed most any OSHA specs, should they also mandate 30NRR+ ear protection be purchased with every firearm and worn whenever being used (you know, like seat belts) and insist everyone purchase suppressors and make owning a firearm without one illegal? I mean, again, it's for our own good and is 'common sense'.
It's been asked but I don't think you've answered. Which other rights do you feel the government needs to further inject themselves into.
Firearms are not the issue... It's the few uncaring and unresponsible we all should be concerned about. We have The Right To Bear Arms, Safe Firearms Ownership is a Responsibility. Most accept the responsibility, some do not.

No one here is saying anything against safe firearm handling. In fact the vast majority of gun owners take gun ownership and safety very seriously which is why there are actually so few accidental deaths from firearms.

We're talking about mandated training by the government, which they have NO right to do. 2A is very clear - shall not be infringed. If people don't like it, then the people will change it, but the government (absent the people) can't do anything about it.
You can't legislate the stupidity out of people, we live in a society of lazy and inept folks. Laws/regulations are instituted daily in an attempt to prove Darwin wrong...infringements to the second amendment (OF ANY TYPE; as explained to me by my friend GeauxLSU GeauxLSU ) are one more way that politicians are attempting to do this. I have recently come to the conclusion that this a black and white matter, there is no gray area. I'm tired of politicians taking my rights away incrementally and 'the sheeple' not only allowing it, but standing behind their decisions!!! Patronus Patronus ' attitude in this thread is indicative of the way that I feel as well as other members in this community.

I try my best to love and respect my fellow man but, a line has to be drawn somewhere - I have drawn 'my' line based on my own convictions. I am not politically correct, nor am I a politician, but as a man and as an american I have chosen to stand by my rights...regardless. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED has become my new motto..

Merry Christmas!!
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Either incapable of understanding or incapable of finding the balls to stand up for what is so blatantly right. It's really not a question. Shall not be ****ing infringed is really starkly clear. But the weak minded and weak willed are constantly unable/unwilling to just say "NO" to the liberal control freaks who are trying to dominate us by disarming us.

Pathetic, stupid and tragic.
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