How about getting a deal set up on a handgun that's only had a few rounds down the pipe then.......just before you make the drive to get it the "person" texts you and says "I just took it to the range and shot it, man it shoots good, I changed my mind I'm going to keep it"
Is that cool or not? Just asking opinions?
I've never had that happen on the ODT. Just one guy that called to cancel 30min before the meet because he sold it to someone else.
Out of ever how many deals I've done here I've only been stood up twice. Both were after we moved way down here. So overall I guess I'm lucky. And the deals I've done down here required at least 50 miles of one way driving on my end.
I need about three tactical clipazines with compass..got any?
My gun has value also and no i'm not trading highly in your favor and i'm not driving for this amout but I want you to.Also bring all the **** to the trade that was in your post,cause I know you will Never mail it.
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