The Inconvenient Truth About Electric Cars

I know a guy that was filling up his Toyota 4x4 at a gas pump a few years back when he was accosted by a Prius driver. The driver of the Prius accused him of "killing the planet" in his gas guzzling, jacked up 4 wheel drive.

He calmly responded, "well, let's consider my truck compared to your Prius. Your Prius is new, so a few thousand pounds of steel had to be processed through an electric furnace and then formed in stamping presses lubricated with hydraulic fluids. Then components had to be machined using non environmentally friendly coolant. Then plastics had to be molded, using electric power to run presses and melt the plastic. All of that electrical power to run these things came from coal fired power plants."

"Then the whole thing had to be painted, with a liquid paint system and sealer, which used thousands of gallons of water. And we haven't even talked about the lithium for your batteries that had to be strip mined from the Earth using massive heavy oil diesel vehicles. In comparison, my truck has used NOTHING, except some gasoline, since 1985. Which do you think is more green?"

She flipped him off and drove away.
I don’t even care about all of it. Or any of it anymore.

Its predicted that 20 years from now that 20% of US cars will be electric EV cars.
If im blessed enough to live 20 more? I still won’t care or matter in the least to me and then I will be gone and they can crush my old Ford truck. ( with me in it for all I care)
My area of WNY was recently under state of emergency and roads were impassable for 3-4 days. People were stranded that long in their vehicles. I wonder how long those electric motors would have kept occupants warm in single digit temps with windchills in the -20s.
Probably about as long as running an ICE car before it ran out of gas?
Most manufacturers that jumped on the EV bandwagon, are now jumping off the bandwagon... EVs are NOT the future of the automotive industry.
The more we are dependent upon the grid, those who control the grid will have control over us. Look at what California is doing to power users at peak demand.

5.0 or die. Just sayin'.
As soon as they are fitted with reliable batteries that charge themselves with some sort of alternator type device, then maybe I’ll pay attention. Probably wouldn’t ever own one, but that would make them more attractive. Just completely cut out the need to “refill” at all. That would make a difference. It’s probably already out there, but I’m too lazy to look into it and anyone who invents something like that would likely die of “suicide”.
Advancement in regenerative braking, magnets, some sort of turbine technology that used the wind while moving. All of these things can be possibilities. Fossil fuel won’t be needed. Perpetual motion. Powers that be don’t want this to succeed. Guarantee it can be. I’m not the scientist though.
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