Speaking of zombies

I read some article about "bad LSD" being responsible for the Miami thing... apparently it raises the body temperature so high the people were dilerious and halucinating.

If we're talking about zombie behavior- that's it in a nutshell. But most likely temporary. If we're talking about actually creating the living dead, no... I don't buy that one.
I think it has already happened.


(Pretty much the only logical reason I can come up with for why Obama ever got elected.... )
I've read of a fungus that can only reproduce at a few meters above the ground. When the spores drop it will attach itself to an ant & take over its body. Then climb the distance off the ground, make the ant do a death grip with its pincher and thus the cycle starts over again.

If by chance some small space debris falls to earth with something like the fungus above that can control the body of its host. Then we could see zombies in a sense. Still alive but you would have to shoot them in the head to take out the control unit as pain may not be a factor in stopping the infected.

Now if they just so happen to like brain matter for their reproducing then we're in trouble.
If they could genetically engineer such chemicals to make zombies let's hope they feed them only to lifelong career politicians in a building next to an NRA convention.
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