So will it be manslaughter for Alec Baldwin?

Which tracks with her being near or behind the camera at which I am confident Baldwin was instructed to fire the gun. If I had to hazard a guess, I would say that the 20' rule was not followed and that the blank somehow destroyed the camera which somehow injured the person running it and the DirCin who was in the vicinity.
I'm not confident of any of what you said, frankly. I guess the director will have to weigh in when he can, and we'll have to see what happened to the camera, etc. I only know the lawyers will be out because he's got money to get...
Except that the director told him to.

The only way that he holds any fault in this at all is if he pulled the trigger and was not told to.
I've not read (at least in the OP linked offering) where he was told by anyone to fire. All I've read is that events are still under investigation.
He's not getting prosecuted for manslaughter. I'd bet my savings on it. Civil liability yes, but he won't be criminally charged. We don't even know the details yet and y'all are frothing at the mouth like libs would in this situation. It's comical really :lol:. I can't stand the Baldwins or any Hollywood types, but an accidental prop gun death would probably be blamed on whoever supplied it or loaded it or gave it to Baldwin. How's he supposed to know? They're shooting(no pun intended) a Western movie, I'm sure there were multiple prop guns on set. Who even knows what happened yet?
$60 MILLION. Baldwin's estimated net worth. The one thing you can count on is that there are plenty of lawyers out there now circling the scene and related affected people to sign up.....
I've not read (at least in the OP linked offering) where he was told by anyone to fire. All I've read is that events are still under investigation.
Nor have I. But knowing how things work in that industry, the only way he would have the gun in his possession would be if it was cleared and ready for function by the Props master. And then, the only way he would have fired it would have been had he been told to.

Unless, as I said he earlier, he went wildly out of protocol and somehow managed to procure and fire the gun on his own. Which, given what I know about that industry, seems highly, highly unlikely.
Nor have I. But knowing how things work in that industry, the only way he would have the gun in his possession would be if it was cleared and ready for function by the Props master. And then, the only way he would have fired it would have been had he been told to.

Unless, as I said he earlier, he went wildly out of protocol and somehow managed to procure and fire the gun on his own. Which, given what I know about that industry, seems highly, highly unlikely.
I guess we'll see what happens (or happened when the director or somebody talks) after the investigation is finished and after the vulture lawyers have swooped down in on the aftermath.
He's not getting prosecuted for manslaughter. I'd bet my savings on it. Civil liability yes, but he won't be criminally charged. ...

an accidental prop gun death would probably be blamed on whoever supplied it or loaded it or gave it to Baldwin. How's he supposed to know?
And I'd add that unless somebody recently coached Mr. Baldwin on the special rules of firearms safety that apply to the types of guns being used in shooting this movie and told him that they apply at all times on the set, and Alec Baldwin disregarded those clear instructions and violated one of those special Hollywood movie set safety rules, I don't even know if he can be held liable civilly.

Some of the "general rules" of firearm safety don't apply when you're filming movies that involve pointing guns at one another and pulling the trigger, and you do this daily --it's part of your career.

He's an actor -- a guy who used to have a handsome face and enough brainpower to memorize lines and make the right facial expressions while repeating them! That's it!

Nobody would expect him to know about gun safety-- only to the extent that he has been trained on it.
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