Recreational Pot; has your view changed?

Do you think marijuana should be decriminalized and taxed as a commodity?

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Doode... I'm 67 years old never touched it in my life but I'm about to. I have terrible joint (no pun intended) pain. Arthritis and Lyme's disease have me eating nearly 10 Aleve a day every day. The Dr has ordered me to stop. The alternative is nothing I want. Oxycontin (sp), besides plugging my innereds nearly killed me . I was literally hooked not in the sense of a street junky but hooked on every Rx the Dr would willingly write. It did take the pain away but I'm not willing to suffer the side effects.

No more... I'm taking a Rocky Mountain vacation soon....
67 years old and about to blaze up for the first time?

I'd LOVE to be there for that!

so you tried it once, didnt actually get there, and now you think you know exactly what it does to folks. . .and hate to tell you but i know more than a handful of successful men (and i mean self made multi -millionaires) who do it daily and lead a completely normal life. just saying maybe you should do some more research
You what has helped the weed legalization? The internet.
So much info and truth about weed is now in the open for people do to their own research and make their own educated opinions.
The same research from 60's & 70's is still true today and so much more research and truth about it has come to liight because of the internet. Its too bad all the news would show then and for the most part now, was the hippie era and everyone looking like zombies (reefer madness). Kinda like what news sees is fit for us to see today.
SO much of the benefits have come to light, we have been shorted medicinally for years, damn, my grandparents could have benefited from it when they were ill. But the gov and big pharm wants to sell 1000.00 pills instead, **** that!
I am surprised, but glad to see or hear about people that I grew up with, old co workers etc that are pro weed now that I thought would never be, the true benefits are there, real, and working to help people that are sick.
These people range from political leaders to preachers and everyone in between, business owners, CEOs, your neighbor and family members, you name it.
Then there is the fun side of it, what is wrong with laughing your ass off from time to time, taking the edge off from stressful day? NOTHING!
I watched The Profit the other night, it was a show in Cali about weed and the BILLIONS in sales since some of the states legalized. Job and legal clean money being made. Colorado put a huge dent in Panama city's revenue during spring break.
Ga is so far behind the times with dumbass laws, we just got fireworks for Christ's sake, now look at the fireworks places occupying once empty buildings and the jobs created. I could go on and on....
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