Motorcycle? What motorcycle?

Damn, yall make me unsafe riding 800-1000 mile trips in shorts, flip flops, and a piece of Tupperware for a lid all of these years... I know, I know, but I was on em to enjoy the air and open road. I did ride a bagger until my youngest daughter came along and it sat parked in the basement beside my hot rod road king for almost 2 years untouched. I sold em both and decided to buy another when both girls were old enough to take complete care of themselves (and maybe little mama and me too... )
Glad to see you were paying attention in the class and that you're still among us. This may sound horrible but get used to it. Dodging cars/trucks/buses is something you'll always be doing. Never ride in/with traffic always be picking your way through it. Complacency will get you killed on a bike.
Glad to see you were paying attention in the class and that you're still among us. This may sound horrible but get used to it. Dodging cars/trucks/buses is something you'll always be doing. Never ride in/with traffic always be picking your way through it. Complacency will get you killed on a bike.

To true. Either lead or follow! Even if you're riding with a group of bikes.
Good to see you safe! I've been riding for years but I no never got my "M" designation so I'm going to take the course. Haven't been on the back of a bike in a few years since I had to sell my bikes during a divorce and then my last one when the economy went south. I've got another lined up and I'm going through the course to get acclimated and to make it easier to get the "M".
Happy to hear you avoided something that could have been terrible. I've had to pull that maneuver a few times. The last one shook me up when I took my bike to Florida and there I was cruising down middle beach road in PCB and a mini van from Michigan decided they wanted to change lanes into the fast lane right in front of me then hit the brakes and shoot into the median to go back in the other direction. I was just cruising along 55mph in the fast lane and without warning a van decides they want to put less than a car length between is and lock it up and here I am on an 800lb vstar 1100 custom with my wife on the bike and thank God I never let my guard down and thank God he was watching out for us, but I went from enjoying a nice ride to Destin to the Bass Pro Shop to all the sudden throwing my body as hard as I could to help lay my bike over to the right and then throwing it back to the left to stay in my lane and not side swipe someone and to this day I don't know how we didn't rear end them at 55mph. There couldn't have been more than 2" between us when I threw the bike around them. For about 10 min I was so pissed then it hit me about how close that was and then I got a tad bit shanty. Just thinking about it. No doubt if I had been in my truck we would have been wrecked. Anyways, nice bike!
MSF is SO MUCH FUN! I'd like to take their other courses they offer. One of the instructors is here on the ODT with us...
I am currently bike-less; just sold my VStrom recently thinking I was going to jump on a smaller D/S like a DR650 or KLR, but just haven't made the leap.
What a coincidence. I just sold off my trusty Strom and am on the hunt for a thumper, probably the XR650L. However, that KTM 1090 Adventure sure looks sweet!
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