Long term food sources

I'll just leave this conversation with this link about the coconut oil, if you think about storing it up for SHTF.
"Coconut oil is about 90% saturated fat, which is a higher percentage than butter (about 64% saturated fat), beef fat (40%), or even lard (also 40%). Too much saturated fat in the diet is unhealthy because it raises "bad" LDL cholesterol"
Picked up some avocado oil & duck fat to try cooking with :hungry:

First time seeing duck fat on the shelf but it sounded really tasty so I couldn't pass it up.
If you haven't already stocked enough dry beans you should know they have doubled in price or have hidden high shipping charges.
good to have variety and certainly important to have a variety of things squared away. I did the math on my food stores last year and how long it was actually going to last. Surprising, to say the least. I did the prepper basics and got a **** ton of rice and beans, mylar sealed it, put it away. Then I started looking into fat storage, as that is one of the harder things to keep and do right. Along with protein, as carbs are straightforward to store.
Some of my non-conventional ideas:
peanut butter
vegetable oil, But freeze it. Lasts a long time and you can add to other foods easily
work out protein powder. most is already freeze dried and sealed
bacon grease freezes well, too
ice tea powder. Has sugar and caffeine, and is already freeze dried.
If you garden for supplementing with homegrown vegetables, now is the time to stock up on lawn and garden fertilizer as there is a worldwide shortage of N and K in the N-P-K ratio (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium). This is due to supply chain issues and it will hurt farmers who grow vegetables and fruits for grocery stores. Expect higher prices in the next growing seasons.
Dry beans and rice are dirt cheap, combined they provide all necessary amino acids. Salt, sugar, vinegar, will be necessary to can with. Honey has been found in Egyptian tombs that was still edible, it also has antibiotic properties. Multi vitamins and minerals are a must for good health. Pasta provides a lot of carbs and can be combined with about anything to make a meal. Canned tuna, salmon and chicken will fill in the lean times and provide some variety from the beans and rice. Oil will be one of the most difficult food items to reproduce. Look for oils with longer shelf life and store in a cool dark place.
Gardening and canning will be a necessity for true long term survival as well as hunting, fishing, keeping poultry, cattle, goats or sheep.
The Americans that survive will drop to a much lower % of body fat in a very short time. This is beneficial as carrying a 165 pound lean carcass around requires far less calories than hauling a 300 pound carcass around.
If it ever does hit many lives will end and the remainder will change.
Not a food item but buy a dozen bic lighters every time you go into a dollar store.
When I smoked I amassed a giant collection of lighters.
I probably have about 50 of them in my storage locker.
there are going to be so many city newbs making so much noise in the woods that animals will disappear far from easy access. they will not com back until the coyotes finish eating the starved to death city folk
The woods will be guarded up here in the mountains so tightly that it would be hard for next door neighbors to wonder around without shooting one another.
If you garden for supplementing with homegrown vegetables, now is the time to stock up on lawn and garden fertilizer as there is a worldwide shortage of N and K in the N-P-K ratio (Nitrogen-Phosphorus-Potassium). This is due to supply chain issues and it will hurt farmers who grow vegetables and fruits for grocery stores. Expect higher prices in the next growing seasons.
do you know a source that is packed in hard containers vs the flimsy vinyl bags?
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