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Likelihood of riots after this murder trial, your opinion?

And If'n you'll notice, on the major affiliate channels out of the cesspool of Atlanta, EACH & EVERY DAY, the assaults, rapes, murders, muggings, smash & grabs, carjackings, crooked school officials, corrupt PD's, etc. etc. etc.--------the news wimps , when they even bother to mention the description of the perps, they NEVER MENTION THEIR COLOR! May show a 3-4 second picture or video, & it's always the same, a Negro, about 99 out of 100 times! ( Is "Negro" an outlawed word anymore? How about "Caucasian""?) Even if the say, be on the lookout it's like this: 5'10" male wearing jeans & a tee-shirt! Damn, how in the heck is ANYONE supposed to consider that as a description to be watching for a killer or rapist wandering around?! Why not just do this ****** with any description of any place, person or thing, & settle into a GENUINE UTOPIAN dumbass society of slobbering , poor, filthy, destitute, but " unoffended" savages?!!! I am not a racist, but doggone, I can see good versus evil & see lies & hypocrisy & unless you are a moron, it's obvious there is a very serious problem intrinsic to the black community, & it's damn near exclusive! And the OMG ( Obama media group), government school systems, do-gooders, & white liberals are cheerleading this destruction all the way to where?!!! :mad::doh:

Don't hold back just because there are liberals on the ODT! :D
Although I cannot understand why a liberal ( by today's miss-named definition of that term) would want to be a member of this site. HOWEVER, they are the very ones who need to, if someway possible, read this stuff & get a dose of common sense & truth! And NONE of us should never hold back the truth. Silence in the face of creeping evil always leads to more evil! ****The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.
Ayn Rand
*****“In a time of universal deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
- George Orwell
What I cannot understand is the media showed pictures of a 12 year old kid that was killed. It was 2 days after the event that I knew the guy was 17---6'2".
If you have not been ready for riots for the last couple of years you are behind .If you have been ready than you don't care .In the words of one of our mods ''Let them riot ! nothing makes me sleep better than scumbags getting tear gas cans to the nuts ''or something along those lines .ha
Bought a new tire the other day. I think the tire dude found a stash of loaded mags in the tool compartment. He acted a little nervous.
I am so sick of the reverser discrimination that the media spews nightly across the T.V. I know it has been said before but why have we allowed the media to portray the "white male" as an evil, racist gun carrying waiting to kill the first black that crosses our path. If a white person dares to speak the "N" word we are hung out like a piñata for the media and minority groups to unload their full furry on. And when a mother is shot and an infant is executed in front of her because she did not have any money on her only get a few days of airtime is BS, And when a young white couple is kidnapped, the husband is beaten, lit on fire and then murdered and the wife is rapped for two days and then given the same treatment as her husband is not even shown here in the US. The media is keeping racism going. If they would report the news like they are supposed to and not allow special interest groups influence what they report we will start to see a more united nation.
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