Like a Forced booster shot for your cell phone

Force you say ?
And more bad news for some car owners when 3G gets booted—-and-thats-bad-news-for-your-car-heres-why/ar-AASPS5n?ocid=winp-sf
Can yall bitch any louder? Every day on here its the same ****. Covid shot this, covid shot that, government out to get me this, AiNt GoNnA gEt My GuNs. Like do yall ever get tired of complaining about the same ****ing thing every day? Worse than a damn hair salon on here lately.

Get it or dont get it noone gives a **** but for the love of god stfu about it.
I take it from what your saying.. you visit hair salons? Not surprised.. lol
I’m grown up enough that if I need a hair cut, I go to a barber shop.. like other grown men
I've done both, only thing a barber shop ever did was completely **** my head up. I think I'll get a haircut from someone who knows what looks good and does a good job job rather than worry about what people think about where I get a haircut from. But not everyone is that secure in their sexuality I suppose.
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