LEO Encounter

I'm through. As on the one other occassion that I've made a comment regarding law enforcement I've received a number of PMs telling me that doing so is like pissing up a rope because of many members outlook on law enforcement in general. I simply hope that no member of this forum blindly follows SOME of the advice I've seen offered here.It been my experience that in a court of law the Judge is not going to be impressed when you explain that Ralph,Frank or Bob from ODT told me what was legal. Good luck with that.

Before you go...would you care to tell us where are actually factually incorrect?
I agree with bigweave113. As a LEO, I think you handled that very maturely and he handled himself very professionally. Just because you have the right to do something, doesn't mean that it is always wise to do it. You have done nothing but enhanced that officer's view of the citizen's right to carry and you had a positive encounter, instead of a negative one. You won, he won, and I think we all won, thanks to the way you handled yourself. Thanks!!!

sure ... refuse.... he calls for back up , for his safety, keeps you there longer, for what, the man is doing his JOB.... JOB being the key WORD.....YES you have the RIGHT....if you do as he asks things go a smother........ That is part of the problem with todays cry babies .......he is doing his JOB.. he wants to get home to his loved ones at the end of his shift just like everyone else does......If you act like a problem you get treated like a PROBLEM....ok getting off of soap box now...leatherhead you did the RIGHT thing and there is NOT a lot of that anymore.
I have more than my share of these encounters as an LEO. I have never been "concerned" by people who OC. We get dispatched to these calls on a semi frequent basis. I normally will jjust stand back and watch what the person is doing that makes them suspicious to the complainant. I will often even approach the person and comment on whatever gun they are carrying just to strike up a conversation. I always make it abundantly clear that they arent doing anything wrong, and that we were dispatched out here but I cant understand why. I do normally try adress the concealed vs open carry, and engage the gun toter in a meaningful and educational discussion.

I always ask for their opinions on why the choose to OC vs CCW. Not in an attempt to trouble shoot them, but to actually hear their reasoning and I might evene learn a thing or two. Its amazing how many of my peers become over agressive when a firearm is present.....not even presented just there. I recently attended a very thorough firearms laws course that was endorsed by GCO and have begun teaching the course at our local academy to officers. I think just I can legally carry a gun, you to should be able to within the laws of this state and your jurisdiction.

One day you may be that citizen who saves my family, someone elses family, an innocent bystander, or even my ass when a bad guy gets the drop on us. The only thing I ask is shoot center mass and keep shooting until the threat ceases......
Amen brother!
One afternoon an officer made a traffic stop on a vehicle that was speeding. As the officer approached the car the driver exited and the officer caught a glimpse of what appeared to be a shoulder holster under the unbuttoned shirt the driver was wearing. The driver was courteous and almost charming however the officer exercised his right (and God forbid ) his authority to secure both the driver and the weapon. Now that officer could have assumed that this was a young man exercising his 4th amendment rights or he could have assumed that this man possesed the vast knowledge that was available through a few random posts on ODT. Instead the officer the did what he was trained to do. He took control of the situation, insuring his personal safety as well as that of the driver. All that for a speeding violation and no wants or warrents!
The driver was Timothy Mcvey and hopefully your aware of what Mcvey had done only a few hours earlier.
^ I'm not in LE, however I am smart enough to know something about the law...like it is the officers right by law to secure the situation, person(s), area at his/her discretion. If that means detaining You then u will be detained period. That is not violating your rights. Do yourself a favor and go talk to a lawyer abt that kind of situation. Every encounter I've ever had with an LEO and me with my carry, the Leo was cool with it as I was forthcoming and compliant and didn't do stupid crap to make him nervous...It is very officer dependent as well as situational. Don't be stupid
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