Gun show Cobb Civic center alert...

I did two deals in a publix shopping center today. No way with a go down there to deal with those assclowns at Eastmans...not talking about the attendees, I can't stand the Eastman shows
What is driving that kind of line? You'd think people would be coming out saying what **** deals there are. I know I always stop a few that are leaving to shoot the breeze. They love to show off their new toys anywho...I wonder if all of these assholes buying up the ARs will get desperate at this show and try to get their money back or get less...what should be the better gun show?
What is about Eastman's you don't like? It is usually better than the shriners crap. Of course, all it takes is that one golden table ;)
I don't like the already inflated prices that were always there before the scare began and the frowning in deal to deals. I've witnessed their bs before actions to people attending therefore I never Darkin the doors of the Eastman shows
I went once a few years ago, mostly crap, and high prices, and big crowds.

If you do go, there are other doors with no line, and no admission fee.

Just sayin.....
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