fishing backpack/sling

black bears? havent ever fished above helen.
im in Atl area. impossible to find clean fish to catch and cook.
is it cleaner up that way?
Yeah. Black bears. Much cleaner up here. Big browns in the Hooch down there though. They’re fun too. I personally wouldn’t eat anything below
Buford Dam.
Yeah. Black bears. Much cleaner up here. Big browns in the Hooch down there though. They’re fun too. I personally wouldn’t eat anything below
Buford Dam.
the say its good until alpharetta area. use to be good through roswell a few yrs ago.
i just like to catch one every now and again and cook it stream side. like once or twice a yr
ya know.
i gave it to my brother. he seemed to like it though.

if your looking for more storage you could try one of those backpack tackle boxes.
ive looked at them. the ones that carry the plano boxes. most arent gonna work. i need
something that will alow me to carry extra stuff outside of fishing gear if that makes sense?
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