Dunce Hat & New Infraction Policy

In my case I posted 2 guns for sale in the same FS thread. After 1 of them sold I decided to close the original thread and relist the remaining gun in a new thread of its own. I received a infraction and had my thread closed immediatelly. No biggie, I new the rules just didnt think it would be a problem.

I Guess everyone thinks it's easier to edit the whole ad instead of just creating a new one!
In my case I posted 2 guns for sale in the same FS thread. After 1 of them sold I decided to close the original thread and relist the remaining gun in a new thread of its own. I received a infraction and had my thread closed immediatelly. No biggie, I new the rules just didnt think it would be a problem.

Sounds like an honest mistake to me.
In my case I posted 2 guns for sale in the same FS thread. After 1 of them sold I decided to close the original thread and relist the remaining gun in a new thread of its own. I received a infraction and had my thread closed immediatelly. No biggie, I new the rules just didnt think it would be a problem.

All you got was a warning right? It looks like the 1st and only time it happened so it should have been a warning so no points were given.
I just checked back through my PM`s around that date and it was just a warning. When a warning is received a Infractions tab shows up on your profile page which states the reason for the warning and the date. I`m sure this is so if another MOD catches a problem within the time period they can upgrade it to a infraction if necessary. Sorry for any confusion my earlier statements may have caused. Its too dang late to be on the puter I guess. Yall have a good night.
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lol, I changed it for Giveaway Day and never changed it back haha

I'mmmm telling! Steve, I'm telling on cheddar_bob! His avater is stirring **** up here...lol.

Per OS: "Please do not post pictures or reference crying babies, wambulances, etc. This includes avatars. It adds nothing to conversations and just stirs **** up."
I'mmmm telling! Steve, I'm telling on cheddar_bob! His avater is stirring **** up here...lol.

Per OS: "Please do not post pictures or reference crying babies, wambulances, etc. This includes avatars. It adds nothing to conversations and just stirs **** up."

It has nothing to do with stirring **** lol. That was funny though
I broke em by accident and racked up bout 4 points in the same day, accidentally relisted two threads a day early. Won't be posting at 6 am half asleep on the toilet anymore......

Edit, it was 3 points. I did deserve them honestly, thought I was fudghing by an hour, turned out I was fudging by a day lol. Okuma steve, I know our points "expire" after 30 days, but will they disapear off my infraction page? I've been a good boy for the most part. I don't want santa seeing that :(

Let's say if you go six months without any new infractions I'll completely remove them for you, sound good?

I think its a good idea....... so if someone actually gets banned all together will they still have the banned tag under their name?

Yeah, anyone one perma-banned will have the banned emblem under their name.

We get infractions for bumping or relisting an item before three days?

The hat and all is kinda funny and sad at the same time. Kinda kindergartenish if you ask me . . . oops nobody asked me! :tape2:

No, you get a rules reminder and then if it keeps happening you get an infraction. Should we just not have rules?

And yes, the hat is very kindergartenish, so what? Can't we have a little fun with some stuff?

So. . . if i was to accidently relist 3 of my items early like someone stated above did, i would be banned for a day? . . . Real nice way to show appreciation to supporting members there!!

Two issues with this one:

1. Should supporting members be exempt from the rules?

2. If you accidentally relist three items at once then you would most likely get one "rules reminder," I don't want people to get banned, I just want folks to stop breaking the simple rules all the time.

Sometimes you dont get a pm when it's time to relist an item.

If you got 5,6,7 things listed it could happen. Just doesn't sound like a good way to do a member who is trying to use the site for what it is, sounds like don't want it used!!

Doesn't happen much but every now and then i won't get the notification, my point was alot of other stuff fly's around here that shouldn't, but a member getting infractions for relisting early sounds petty to me. This is a classifieds/trading site right?

No one would want to use a site where everyone could relist whenever they wanted to, it would be an absolute mess.

We aren't perfect, but we're trying our best to keep a happy medium.
I'mmmm telling! Steve, I'm telling on cheddar_bob! His avater is stirring **** up here...lol.

Per OS: "Please do not post pictures or reference crying babies, wambulances, etc. This includes avatars. It adds nothing to conversations and just stirs **** up."

Time to go edit the rules I guess, I just love that avatar too much :D
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