Doge is down

The next doge-esque coin to have potential for solid gains with small investment is BitTorrent (BTT). It was over a penny half way through April, and has dropped back down along with the rest of the crypto realm. Right now it's sitting @ ~.006.

I made good money with Doge, but that ship has sailed realistically, unless you got in early (I was in @ 0.0018). BTT will most likely be pushing back over a penny here shortly, and unlike Doge, it has an actual use case.

(This is not financial advise, nor am I a financial advisor. As with all crypto, Caveat emptor).

For my self promotion, if you want to get into the BTT game, I use Voyager. Sign up, deposit $100, and you'll get $25 of BitCoin for free by using my promo code, SCOCEB

The Voyager app is in both the Apple and Google Play stores.
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