Do your wives think its crazy for you to carry a gun daily

my wife calls me john wayne . cant figure if she thinks thats an insult or if she thinks its a complement . but usually what i do when she complains about me bringing the old gold cup 45. is i switch to a 38 derringer she cant see.on another note i would like to see a religious forum maybe the bossman will enduldge us
When I come home with a "new" toy and the old lady asks, "where did you get that one?" I simply reply, "what, this....I've had this one for a while now." I think she's starting to catch on though! My collection has grown substantially in the past year...I try to creep the old "I traded for it." every now and then...but, then all she wants to know is what I traded! Women from Miami, I swear....


It's gotten to the point that my wife cant keep up with what's new and what I already had. Since my answer is either, "What, that....I've had that for a long time", or "I didnt spend any money, I traded one gun for another"! I think she's finally given up trying to keep tabs.

As far as thinking I'm, she doesnt think I'm crazy.....obsessed, yes. In all seriousness she has told me that because I own firearms and actively train with them it makes her feel safe.
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