Brass knuckle question

haha fair enough.

Say a rib breaks, punctures lung. Assault with a deadly weapon charge incoming? Where is the line?

Idk, personal restraint? Lol. Not everybody just sees red and goes blank in a fight.

But yea, fairly thin line. Though I can't imagine it being anymore scrutinized than a gunshot. "Hell at least I didn't dome em"

I was also always advised to not kick anyone in the head, legally speaking of course.
That's what the cast aluminum ones do. They're toys.

I boxed on a college team, and did amateurs while at fort hood. I could not imagine getting hit in the face with cast aluminum, even if they do break. A bareknuckle would be awful enough. We wore headgear, custom mouth guards, and 12 ounce gloves and it was still brutal.

Even untrained guys with even weight behind could probably kill someone with a clean hit. I do not think people respect the power behind a punch.

(No legal advice offered here. Just window licker commentary.)
I think they are considered a weapon everywhere. A poor choice for a defensive weapon, imo, but it would be better than hands if that's the only option.
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