
It appears to me that the standards for awarding points for disparaging another member are highly attenuated.


  • 1.having been reduced in force, effect, or value:"it appears likely that the courts will be given an attenuated role in the enforcement of these decisions"synonyms:weakened, reduced, lessened, decreased, diminished, impaired, enervatedantonyms:strengthened
  • 2.thin or reduced in thickness:"his attenuated fingers"synonyms:thin, slender, slim, skinny, spindly, bony, gaunt, skeletal, narrow, threadlike, thinned down, stretched out, drawn out, extenuated, attenuateantonyms:plump, broad


  • 1.having been reduced in force, effect, or value:"it appears likely that the courts will be given an attenuated role in the enforcement of these decisions"synonyms:weakened, reduced, lessened, decreased, diminished, impaired, enervatedantonyms:strengthened
  • 2.thin or reduced in thickness:"his attenuated fingers"synonyms:thin, slender, slim, skinny, spindly, bony, gaunt, skeletal, narrow, threadlike, thinned down, stretched out, drawn out, extenuated, attenuateantonyms:plump, broad

Your mouth to God's ears.
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