Aquarium Trip

I took in a Bobbit worm once and when I woke up the next morning it was gone. Also discovered that my gold Cadillac bowling ball bag was missing.
Coincidence or no?
Dude, does it count, if the pet arthropods has appeared by itself? I know, that it's difficult to imagine, but it has really happened. Long story short, I am the fish tank owner, where 4 fish live. My step-sister has brought me some small stones from the India, like present for me, which I have put into the aquarium for making it more beautiful and cozier. When 2 days past, I noticed the worm into the aquarium, that was hidden in the sand. Frankly speaking, I was very beautiful and didn't look, like the bad one. I got it from the aquarium and put it into the bottle of harm's way. Likely for me, I got it out in time, because it was the bobbit worm, that could eat all my fish. So, I'm lucky one, so you can check how is it beautiful on the and make sure about my words.
Happy birfday!
Do you have to disarm at the Chattanooga one?

When I went a few years ago I did NOT disarm. But it is up to you, there is a sign of no carry and my understanding is signs carry weight of law in TN. I may be wrong on that. But there was no metal detectors or wands. Concealed is concealed.
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