Anyone Familiar With Owls?

I used to have a pet owl, small screech, 20 yrs ago. I fed him crickets. He would swoop down from his perch and pick them up. He flew off to a high limb a few months later, and never returned...
I’ve been hearing some hoot owls all day at the house lately. Up at my brothers cabin by carters lake he has some barred owls that get pretty rambunctious. My brother can get them really going, they will sounds like a pack of apes
Got this pic at my hunting club
We had a great horned owl in our back yard trees several years ago. He was on the ground and watched him turn his head almost all the way around. Big sucker. When he took off looked like 5 foot wingspan. Used to hear him around, but have not lately.

I had one land on the shooting rail of my deer stand at first light about 7 years ago. I almost lost my vision when I considered grabbing is feet... the razor sharp thing on its face changed my mind. He looked at me like I was in his hunting spot. I later found out that a family member released a covey of pheasants in the area the week before. No one ever got to hunt the pheasants but the owl...
A GHO hen can kill you and won't even shed a tear.

Very docile if not threatened, but if they go into the M is for murder posture, your life is in danger, or over.


I almost grabbed it. He was only 15 inches or so from my face. We started at each other until the steam from my steady increasing breath.. he flew to a tree about 25 feet away and watched me until I left.
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