Another violation of rights - jailed for wearing pajama pants on an airplane

if they had no reason to cuff him, then i see no problem with him resisting being cuffed. he was obviously weird enough to get booted from the plane and acting oddly enough that someone thought it was worth detaining him. its sad that people can't talk to each other like adults with reason and respect for each other. everyone on a power trip lately?
after flying every week for the past 15 years I have come up with one very VERY good rule to live by. Don't ever argue with the Pilot. If he asks you to leave the plane, leave the plane. Complain once off the plane, but arguing will get you no where. It is his plane, and what he says goes. It doesn't matter how right you are, if you asks you to leave, your leaving, with out without the help of authorities. I have seen it many times.

That's not to say that pilots get a pass because they are pilots. File a complaint when you get off the plane. If your complaint is valid, the airline will have that pilots ass.

Whether you think it is right or not doesn't matter. It is private property under the control of the Captain of the plane. His plane, his rules. Don't like it? Drive.
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