An experiment in social ammo gouging

If it helps, I have lost money on damn near every scope, knife and holster that I have auctioned off. In fact, I had to crank up the truck and make a 4.5 mile round trip selling a $60 leather 1911 holster for $5.

Can you make it a point to let me know when you're gonna sell something.
no auctions on odt its against the roolz

Yes sir. I am aware and agree. My point is, if the "market" is setting the "value" by way of other auction sites; why so much hatred when that seller posts that same "market price" on here? And, notice that I personally have ZERO ads up currently. Last one was the 10mm that did not move, so I put it on GunBroker where it did.
I think most have preconceived ideas about what’s fair and what’s not. It appears that leaves many upset. I admit I get tired of seeing so many adds at prices I currently wouldn’t consider paying. I just wish the price was in title and then I could surf much quicker and then spend more time with something more productive like enjoying my coffee:)
When we were raising our children, they would come to us saying something or another wasn't fair. I would always respond that they could use that word when they came back to me and told me the 5 things that were fair. As you can expect, they could never come up with ONE thing that was fair and ended up understanding that. Never do use the word around here. Silly word.
Which of the guys buying and then selling for 3-4x what they paid earlier that day, are losing money?
Can you explain how that math works? Asking for a friend.

UH.....what guys bought the ammo earlier in the day and sold it? You know who they are? Did you see them buy it? Did you see them sell it? I would easily explain the math to you and your friend, but who exactly is doing what you suggest?
When they were talking about shutdowns from Covid... And they were going to shut down gun stores... there was much outcry, that guns and ammo were "essential".

So which is it? Are they essential when it comes to keeping them open, but then we flip flop and say that it's not essential so that we can skirt price gouging laws?

We can't have it both ways. Guns and ammo are either essential, or they are not.
Who is this "we" you so freely reference?
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