Ammo alert

Perzactly. So why cut off your nose to spite your face.

Because “Marta” is not apples to apples - Your example is one where there is no choice other than unemployment and the other has a choice to be made

Where possible I won’t fund a business that is anti “me” especially when there are choices

Pre-planning has made this an option that leaves my nose intact
So, I suppose you had rather ride the marta bus to work, to keep from buying middle eastern oil products at the local camel jockey store so you can drive your own vehicle.

Sunoco for the win on that one.

But even if there was only middle eastern supplied gas stations, a monopoly on a necessity is different than having options between anti 2a and pro 2a companies. All ammo is not controlled by anti gun companies; nor is all gasoline imported from the middle east, so your analogy is ridiculous.
For all the stone casters I have but one question. And dont get me wrong. I feel the same way you do about my freedom. My Constitution. And everything else you guys are *****in about here. But how many of us went to Wally world recently to at least TRY TO score some dirt cheap ammo when they decided to dictate evil ammo from the ammo they thought we needed or they might trust us with till their agenda passed forth. Im pretty sure most of us work our asses off for the money we spend. So if Dick has a good buy on ammo,as long as Dick dont want to touch or see mine,I will cinch my mask and walk in there like I own the place,and reap the ammo bargains, if its there. While the bargains are there. I too have a friend thats got enough ammo for target practicing and such. But like someone said earlier, Id rather buy as I go shooting than to have to bother my friend.

Here's the difference...

Wally world made a decision based on lots of factors, including political ones when they stopped carrying controversial ammo. It's not a decision I agree with, but that the one they made and it's their store, so their decision.

Dicks was 100% selling ARs when Sandy Hook went down. They had a special deal with Troy at the time that was very popular, and even backordered.

After SH they started beating their chest about how ARs were evil, and cancelled all AR orders, almost putting Troy out of business in the process. They pulled all ARs out of their stores and cancelled the Troy promotion while taking out full page ads about how they wouldn't be selling these 'killing machines' any more.

OK... Their store, they can choose to sell what they want. But this is when Dicks earned their name...

As we all know there was the biggest rush on ARs in history... Put the AWB rush to shame.

Suddenly all those ARs they were not selling were a major revenue loss. Nobody wanted bolt guns or lever actions, everyone wanted ARs and were willing to pay 2-3 time normal to get one.

Se less than 3 weeks after taking out full page ads in places like NYT and Wall St. Journal claiming they were removing 'assault weapons' from their stores, they brought them into their Field and Stream stores through the back door.

They sold them there, and then back at Dicks again although they were always 'behind the counter', never on display.

They kept this hypocritical BS up until an a-hole in Parkland FL bought an AR there and shot up his school with it.

So they made a big deal of 'destroying' the ARs they had in-stock, which according to their previous claims they would never stock again after Sandy Hook, and expected a pat on the back. According to their first pledge, after Sandy Hook, they shouldn't have had an AR to sell this killer in the first place.

Hypoctritical a-holes from start to finish. WalMart made a decision and stuck with it. Dicks crowed about how they were getting rid of 'assault weapons' and weren't they just good people all around... then went right on selling them because the money was too good. Including one to a mentally disturbed killer.

That's the difference between buying close out 5.56 at WalMart and dealing with raging scum like Dicks.
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