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  1. Survival food canceled order. Pos

    They did you a favor imo, why you'd want 6 months worth of MREs that only keep for 5 years max life in ideal conditions is beyond me. You can fill a lot of 5 gallon buckets w/ beans, rice, etc that will store 30+ years for $600.
  2. must have for SHTF with a newborn

    HAHA my sister actually makes goat soap and it smells pretty good.
  3. must have for SHTF with a newborn

    Milk goats might not be a bad idea either, depending on how committed you want to be.
  4. Always have a IFAK or medical supplies in close proximity.

    Vehicle or home isn't enough, you need to carry medical ON YOUR BODY. Whether that's an ankle kit, cargo pocket, or just a TQ in your pants pocket, there's no time to go looking for medical when you need to be using it.
  5. A question for those buying gold for SHTF

    IMO, gold is only good to store value for the long term. You should have EVERYTHING you need to survive prior to investing heavily in it: long term food and water, security, communication, community, medical, etc. In a starving world, no one is going to trade you food for gold.
  6. Best deal on bulk rice and beans

    45lb of black beans delivered today via Amazon, more beans and rice due tomorrow.
  7. Best deal on bulk rice and beans

    Brown rice does not store well FYI, the oils go rancid pretty quickly.
  8. Best deal on bulk rice and beans

    And black beans on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BBW3N81/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_fKQcFbYQXEW8M
  9. Best deal on bulk rice and beans

    Here's a decent price on rice to your door from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00852ZN2U/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_eFQcFbEY1HAAR
  10. Best deal on bulk rice and beans

    I've had no problems getting plenty of each from Kroger/Clicklist in small bags at a good price, Amazon has some good deals at times. I'm sure Costco/Sam's has some if you are a member.
  11. Packing Food in Mylar Bags

    All of these things I'd imagine...
  12. Start A Corona Garden Now

    The comment I responded to was talking about cans in his pantry, but glass jars can bulge too (at the lid, if it loses the seal or there's a problem with the canning process).
  13. Start A Corona Garden Now

    As long as the can is intact and isn't bulging (botulism), it should be good to go. Canned food loses nutrition value, texture, taste over time but never really goes bad. If you want to put a number on it, I'd say 10 years if stored properly. I remember reading a story about a family finding...
  14. Best single gun for shtf

    It really depends on what the SHTF is, but probably a Glock 19. A concealed handgun can go with you most anywhere and can be used to obtain battlefield pickups.
  15. What's your "crazy scenario" for why you prepare.

    I remember ordering some on Amazon before that storm last year...took about 3 months for delivery. Luckily I was able to stock up on yellow diesel gas cans, after researching to make sure they were safe lol.
  16. What's your "crazy scenario" for why you prepare.

    Well I guess it's cheaper than gas cans...
  17. What's your "crazy scenario" for why you prepare.

    Anything from Katrina to 1776.
  18. What's your "crazy scenario" for why you prepare.

    So you're preparing for Jurassic Park? Love it man. :tyrannosaurus:
  19. Five Guns

    While shotguns aren't useless, they are very specialized to a few things (extreme close quarters combat, taking small fast game like birds and rabbits, breaching doors). They are a poor choice to hand out to inexperienced shooters or children due the high recoil (I'm assuming we're talking...
  20. What is something essential to your survival/bugout kit?

    Pack light, you can move much faster/farther with less load. Shelter: USGI Poncho USGI Poncho liner (woobie) Paracord Water: Aluminum bottle and cup Iodine tablets Lifestraw or Sawyer mini water filter Fire: Lighter Fire tinder (vasoline soaked dryer lint works well) Firesteel Fixed blade...
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