When somebody requests Simple Man....

Simple man is one of the easiest songs there is. Literally 3 chords. I’m not taking anything away from what this guy did, it’s very cool but not THAT impressive.

C-G-Am and solo in Am pentatonic.
And what guy is that?
I play guitar. Been playing 30+ years.
What he did was cool, but it wasn’t “all that”.
If you think it is, that’s fine.

Good for you! You sound like the kind of guy that goes to the Special Olympics and makes fun of the winners.
Good for you! You sound like the kind of guy that goes to the Special Olympics and makes fun of the winners.
Reminded me of the Special Olympics and South Park......the "Cripple Fight" scene.....little known is that scene is an animated recreation (with comic license) of a fight scene between Roddy McDowell and another guy who he was trying to force to wear some special sunglasses so that he could see the Aliens controlling them in the movie "They Live." A classic...

South Park - Cripple Fight (full scene) - YouTube
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