What's your opinion?

He already made the deal, done. With the fact he listed your gun to trade, seems like he already figured you weren't going to trade back or he changed his mind about your deal and wanted his gun back using the wife ploy. Either way, keep what ya got. Just my thoughts. Be safe.
Traders' remorse. It happens, but the deal is done. Using the wife as the reason to want to trade back, horse hockey.
Tell him to put on his MAN pants and tell his wife the deal is done. end of story. God put man in charge not woman. I love my wife BUT I am the one that has the last say, if I am right or wrong GOD will judge me not her.

Got a receipt? What if he reports it as stolen? He's probably already sold your gun. I bet there's no paper trail there either. He gets off totally free, and when he gets your new gun back, he can sell it again.

Craigslist is dangerous. The modern day thief's pawn shop. I won't sell anything even gun related there. Once they figure out who you are, they can come back later for what you didn't want to sell.

You went out into the country with him and handed him a loaded gun? Not me.
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