what to do with 6 year old during winter break?

Check out Tellus Museum in Cartersville. They have a giant dinosaur, he can dig up bones in the excavation area, he can pan for gem stones, he can run around in "The Big Back Yard" and touch everything. It's been a go to for a couple of years, very educational but still a lot of fun. It's all inside so really good if it's cold or raining outside
Run by Home Depot or Lowes and pick up a precut bird house or some small craft kit. Let him put it together and paint or stain it for a Christmas present, my Father-in-Law kept his present on his night stand until the day he passed. Now 10 years later it sits on a memory shelf in my son's room.
just realizing my ~6 year old is off all the same days I am over christmas break. Wife and younger brother are still in school, so getting really crazy is out. Besides waffle house and random adventures, what do you all suggest?
Here‘s what we have on tap:
Petting zoo, hay rides, aquarium, punkin chunkin, deer ‘hunting,’ play chess, trampoline park followed by a roundabout ride home, chic Fil-A breakfast every day, set up electric train, Dahlonega Gold Mine
Plus 10 for a hike and lunch afterwards.

When they were little, I’d take my children up Curahee mountain on their birthday. They got a candy bar from a gas station on the way then lunch afterwards. Always great to share an “adventure “.
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