What kind of bug is this ?


There's what it looks like when it's crawling out.


or house bug as ive heard them called. they live on the roots of trees for a long time then molt when ready. i have only seen one in my entire life alive before the molting process, found plenty of shells though
The adults make one helluva lot of racket all nite long rubbing their wings together to attract that bow hunter who doesn't like having his sleep disturbed.
x2. They were really bad last year. My yard looked like it had been aerated lol. A lot come out every year but every 10 years (I think) there is a big bunch that hatch out. They burrow down in your yard and 10 years later hanging on your trees. Loud too!!!
There are two main molting cycles in Magicicada cicadas in the US there is the 17 and 13 year mating cycles. There are three Magicicada variants that have a 17 year cycle and four with a 13 year cycle. The reason for this is it takes a very long time for the two cycles to coincide because they are prime numbers (once every 221 years to be exact) Last summer was the largest 13 year brood (labeled brood XIX) that had all four variants of the 13 year cycle in one brood.
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I remember last year they were awful. We went up to Clark's Hill Lake and there were so many dead on the water and on the shores you couldn't walk without stepping on them. They also make such a loud noise I thought someone's house alarm was going off. I'm glad it's only once every 10 years they come out.
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