Visited the city of Jefferson yesterday

Jefferson is nothing but white trash with small pockets of real human beings. It's inhabitants for the most part are the people who made excuses in life to never achieve anything that would let them live comfortably. For years it had the highest teen birth rate in the nation, and still hovers around the top today. The police force is a joke, nothing but good ol boys who are corrupt to a T and play nepotism at every turn.

The whole town sucks. Like I said, there ARE some decent folks there, however in my 6 years of visiting Jefferson, I'd say stay away.

If those teens are 18 I might have to check that place out ,and catch a few before they hatch thier lil tri cycle motors so not to add to the stats.
Jefferson will be a much better place when that Bojangles finally opens. My mouth waters every morning driving by the last three weeks. Also, there is alot of cocaine in Jefferson.

well that settles that. just put the house on the market and looking for a new place in jefferson.

Lmao @ both of the above
Oh I bet the careers at Jefferson Police Department are full of excitement haha. They actually help out with the city of Arcade as well if I'm not mistaken.

Arcade....had forgotten about that place. Used to drive down there from Gainesville in the late sixties to buy beer. They never IDed. Just remember it as a couple of beer stores.
It's only a speed trap if you are stupid enough to run 70mph!
You do realize that the speed limit is 55 from just below the interstate, all the way to Athens, don't you?
Actually, you have better odds of being nailed by Jefferson.
I see them out on the bypass all the time.
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