These Are The Cars People Keep For 15 Years

Chevy Tahoe these things will last forever 260k and climbing! that says alot about the Chevy truck brand, our company puts 250k on each truck and they just last with very few issues and we beat them up daily!
"Top 15 cars whose trade in value is far below the down payment needed." top comment after the article. Front-wheel drive vehicles in general don't hold value very well. Vehicles in that age range no doubt have costly repairs that have been avoided and routine maintenance not performed, repair costs exceed vehicles worth at some point.
Trucks on the other hand hold value much better. My 01 Silverado with 260K miles still running like a top was worth $6K last year. 05 VW Beetle 96K miles with a lot of problems not even a third of that.
my $.02
Well... we have a CR-V that's 10 years old, a (recently totaled) Prius that was 12 years old, and a 6 year old Nissan Frontier. My wife is driving a 2017 Hyundai Sonata.
Got 3 ford pickups in the driveway. A 92 F150, 02 ford ranger and 04 F150. With a total of over 650,000 miles on them and still run strong. Also have a 05 Odyssey. Never any problems with that either
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