Survival Preppers...

I thought of this on the way to work today...if these people are true Doomsday Preppers, then why have kids?

I am of course no expert and if someone has contrary information I am all ears but.... in a long term survival situation where you are planning for a hostile environment (physical, mental etc..) as well as escape routes (presumably in fear of your life or otherwise) wouldn't you think kids would slow you down?

Also, some of these people just seemed to be hoarders with a touch of rational to there thinking.

One more thing, did anyone catch the fish guy talking about all the things he can make with fresh fish...we can make fish soup, fish balls, fish lasagna and he rattled off around 4 others....very Bubba'ish from Forrest Gump!
I thought of this on the way to work today...if these people are true Doomsday Preppers, then why have kids?

I am of course no expert and if someone has contrary information I am all ears but.... in a long term survival situation where you are planning for a hostile environment (physical, mental etc..) as well as escape routes (presumably in fear of your life or otherwise) wouldn't you think kids would slow you down?

Also, some of these people just seemed to be hoarders with a touch of rational to there thinking.

One more thing, did anyone catch the fish guy talking about all the things he can make with fresh fish...we can make fish soup, fish balls, fish lasagna and he rattled off around 4 others....very Bubba'ish from Forrest Gump!


I agree. The first two guys seemed a little more like hoarders with no viable survival plan. (I noticed the tilapia guy as well, "boiled tilapia, fried tilapia," and so forth-kinda funny.)

The guys in S.C, were more along the lines of what my ideal plan would be.

As far as kids and such, I think many people have blinders on as far as modern day society goes. We think that because life has been easy and food has been plentiful and cheap for the last 100 years or so, nothing can ever change (life was much more difficult 4 or more generations back. People were mostly self-sufficient) I am not someone who thinks that the world will explode in 2012 just because of some silly mayan calendar stuff, but I do think society could disintegrate in short order for any number of other reasons. My main fear is oil. Most of ours comes from places we cannot control, and the supply could be disrupted in a heartbeat. Remember how stations ran out of gas for a couple of days after Katrina because the pipelines went out? Do you think problems would arise if the supply were to go down for a couple of months or so? I do. (Remember-Iran now controls OPEC. There are few govts. on earth more adversarial toward us than Iran. Saudi is losing influence. That should scare us.)

Who knows? Solar flares. EMP bursts. Computer worms. Terrorist acts. All these things could take down large parts of the grid, and it could be down for a while. If things get crazy in the middle east, oil could stop flowing. I don't consider myself a prepper like the folks on that show. I am nowhere near that extreme. But, I have started to see that society is very fragile. Bad stuff can happen, and one day-maybe next week, maybe 850 years from now, something will come along which will cause society to break down. I sure as heck don't want to be in NYC when that happens.

-Who knows what the future holds, but I sure wouldn't make any bets based on the future always being better than the last 100 years.
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Not so much loonies...there was a fairly strong emphasis on firearms and it also touched on the US Dollar falling apart and silver coins being used as currency/trade.

What I found interesting was that all but one family of "preppers" lived in developments or near larger cities. The guys in SC were in the woods, on large acreage and in my opinion had the best set up possible.
the guys in sc had it right...the guy who lived hundreds of miles from his underground shelter has a great setup that's going to do him no good at all if anything happens quickly....the ones living in subdivisions need to move...those gas masks and chemical suits are going to be useless when they need them unless they have sealed filters and suits somewhere
I downloaded this last night, pretty interesting. The first family was pretty loony IMHO, but I like the pool habitat idea, very ingenious. I think the boys in SC have the right idea.
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