southside ATL SHTF club

Ant gonna happen ,i would never trust anyone you meet on the internet,not with my life on the linr. Its ok to pretend, but a survival group is a big boy in person game.

not even the ones with positive feedback? they're good guys! lol no but in all seriousness, I have me and mine, and a small group of good friends I've known for years and that's all I plan on bringing with me
Single person vs single family vs small group vs medium sized group vs large group vs small community vs medium community vs large community, all have strengths and weaknesses. In each scenario you have the possibility of junk going wrong. Its true that many hands make light work, but the more people in the group the higher the likelihood of having one or more bad apples mixed in. Also, as the group grows, you have less of a chance to personally vet each member. Small groups benefit from more personal relationships and trust between members, but are weaker in terms of manpower, resources, security, etc. Single families or individuals will be able to do more with less mouths to feed, but are extremely vulnerable to any mistake that is made.

But this is all besides the point, isnt it? Going off the OP's latest posts, sharing information and knowledge is an exciting prospect for sure, and it doesnt have to be a preparedness or survival group in the classic sense everyone is thinking of. Just a group of people that get together every now and then to share what they have learned and to learn from others. I think it could work great, as long as you had someone willing to let a bunch of random peeps come on their land to train (good luck :) ).
My buddy and I just threw this post up to guage interest. We dont have rules and by laws and membership requirements and things like that yet. The whole point (again) is about finding people with information to share. For ex. my wife is a P.A. (physicians asst.) and a former combat medic in the army. I already have someone with doctor/medic training that can fix broken legs and suture wounds and do an appendectomy in my compound after shtf, but how many of you do? Exactly.

Imagine this scenario. the "club" members get together on some random saturday. We start by having me conduct a class on how to make ether (fabulous stuff, a million uses) out of ordinary materials. everyone learns. Then we use the ether to knock out a hog we have brought along. my wife teaches a class on how to set a broken leg (on the hog), and we all get to play asst. while she then removes its appendix. we all learn. then we put the animal down, and all practice giving stitches on the animals hide. we all learn. then someone else stands up and shows us how to butcher and skin the animal. we all learn. then we all learn how to build a smokehouse or a food dehydrator or we talk about canning the meat or tanning the hide or whatever. it could go a hundred different routes and still be extremely valuable training because we all learn if you guys dont think that thats worth one saturday a month then you aint as serious about prepping as you pretend to be. either that or you just really have no clue as to what its going to take to survive long term.
this could be done for so many things. gardening/farming. construction of shelters and buildings. operating ham radios, generating power. and a million other topics you guys will think of that i havent.
no one in the group has to know your home address or how many gallons of peas you have in your basement.
as far as membership req., if you have a valuable skill that you are willing to teach, youre in. be a jerk, youre out. If you have an idea or access to somewhere we could meet, youre in. be a jerk, youre out

combat medic huh. Might just have to join your group. Sounds like she is a smart lady!
SHTF is a come as you are affair. If you have not made the connections you need to BEFORE it happens, then you damn sure better had not try AFTER it happens. I will not trust anyone AFTER the SHTF and don't trust many now. The community you live in will become your de facto "group" whether you like it or not. Better to get to know your neighbors now so it's not an issue or you know all the issues up front.

I have reached out to several here online to get together and have not had any follow up from them. I'm not twisting arms, as I have said this before - if you are too lazy, busy etc to make time to meet good people before SHTF, I sure do not want to know you AFTER when peoples lives depend on you...
SHTF is a come as you are affair. If you have not made the connections you need to BEFORE it happens, then you damn sure better had not try AFTER it happens. ...

Thats the whole reason i put this post up, to meet people BEFORE SHTF. Cant believe all the grouchy poo-poo'ers and nay-sayers on here who would rather sit around and list the reasons why someone elses idea wont work instead of coming up with some ideas of their own. Really dissapointed. But then again, this forum is kinda like Crocs shoes or mini coopers. You can pretty much know all you need to about a person simply by virtue of the fact that they OWN crocs or a mini cooper. By the same token, i can reliably eliminate from my mental list of people i want to know are all those that posted on here who think that a bad attitude, a case of MRE's and 500 rounds for their Saturday night Special are gonna see them through anything that lasts longer than a week.
Like i said before. anybody serious about sharing info and stuff and trying to build practical devices let me know.
Think the up side to a group would be defense....Not that there is a pefect solution short of a bunker or personal space ship but it's gonna be damn hard to defend against the masses with the family.

True, which is why you group with people you have known for a while. Not just a group of fellas you met of the internet.

Nope. I'm going for the personal space ship. F'y'all. LOL ;)
SHTF is a come as you are affair. If you have not made the connections you need to BEFORE it happens, then you damn sure better had not try AFTER it happens. I will not trust anyone AFTER the SHTF and don't trust many now. The community you live in will become your de facto "group" whether you like it or not. Better to get to know your neighbors now so it's not an issue or you know all the issues up front.

I have reached out to several here online to get together and have not had any follow up from them. I'm not twisting arms, as I have said this before - if you are too lazy, busy etc to make time to meet good people before SHTF, I sure do not want to know you AFTER when peoples lives depend on you...

Good points. I dont trust too many people now. So I doubt during SHTF will I put my life and the life of my loved ones in someone else's hands.
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