Something wicked this way come?

Just remember in the American revolution only 40 to 45 percent of the colonists supported the rebellion. And when the SHTF after the dust settles in the big cities and it has all been looted and destroyed that's when in the less populated areas armies will be born of patriots ready to attempt to return this country back to the principles on which it was founded. Just looking on here and seeing what these good Americans have in their homes helps to bring me a little peace knowing that are many folks well armed and for the most part when forced would stand and defend freedom.
You don't need a foil hat. The fact is, the longer you've been around the more you notice the change. There are a lot of young folks here that will call you crazy, but they've been on the planet less than I've been on the toilet in most cases. Before a man can tell me anything about what I know he had damn better have been in the same places that I've been and seen the same stuff.

If not.......go back to dream land where it's all unicorns and sunshine, I live in the real world where people have been trying to end our way of life for a long time and are still at it.
this is one of (if not) the best post i'v ever read.
Well, if the SHTF and it goes as expected the DHS has to store all that ammo somewhere and there is no facililty that's 100% secure. Sometimes stockpiling is a disadvantage.
I think either Im getting crazier or becoming more enlightened. Meaning, the older I get, the worse it looks. Big brother is definitely up to something and it is at the expense of liberty. I been about 2 seconds from a tin hat for a while now but Im starting to think I need a remote cave system to live in, far underground where its safe.

X10 brother,watch yer 6
With all bs aside, i really do think something will go down. Not sure when but i do think there going to try to take our freedom away and they south will be the first target since they know how we think. All we can do is be ready for whatever comes our way.
X10 on that too,we need to take care of ours and each other!
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