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More on this topic, but from right there in the ATL.....


Blue Flu or Mass resignations in ATL?


Earlier suggestions that multiple officers from each zone had walked off the job were inaccurate. However, department is experiencing a higher than usual number of call outs with the incoming shift. We have enough resources to maintain operations and remain able to respond to incidents throughout the city.

Yeah....we'll see for how long once the natives get restless after sundown.....

Gotta admire em....


and before anyone gets snarky because these are Police, no dogs were harmed and the Krispy Kreme was not looted....

I heard that so I called my buddy at APD, he said 4 Officers on his shift called out sick. But they have enough bodies to cover the shift. That's zone 6 and another 5 called out of zone 3.

The SWAT in Florida resigned because they thought the Chief was condemning them for actions they took months ago on a raid. SWAT killed a man and the city lost a $425k case but no violations of procedure were found.

A memo was sent saying, "the chief was taking a knee against racism, hatred and intolerance.”

The Chief also said the peaceful protest would be a symbol of solidarity. Some other cops also joined her. The department issued a statement about how they have increased training, increased SWAT's budget, and are better trained than most departments in Florida. So whatever SWAT is claiming, the department is saying BS. I don't see how they twisted her showing community support as her bashing something unrelated.

Isn't it possible to support good cops and be unified with the people? Some cops have this "us or them" mentality and that's why everything is so screwed up.
Don’t blame them one bit

You should. Failure to uphold an oath. What if Doctors walked out? Or military?

There's cops that agree with what happened and others who don't. Cops should go to work and let the legal system take it's course. Them protesting is exactly what many people have been doing peacefully, but cops were still assaulting people. Not everyone is peaceful but not everyone is against cops. Should someone innocent suffer because those cops can't control their emotions? Let's be realistic.

If you can understand cops being upset and wanting to quit, then you should be able to understand why civilians are pissed off at cops.

So are you implying that Govt leadership has abandoned the citizenry as much as ATL leadership has abandoned it's law enforcement branch? Because I will agree with that.

I don't see wanting accountability and higher standards out of officers as abandonment. For years APD and GSP have had hundreds of lawsuits and thousands of complaints. Some people think that cops should be allowed to do whatever they please and that they never do wrong. Despite the constant displays of excessive force, corruption cases, drug abuse, family abuse, alcohol abuse, etc. Cops are far from perfect as we all are. So I don't see what's wrong with wanting to make policies to increase training and decrease use of force.

Cops have the "us or them" mindset and treat everyone as a potential criminal. But then cops take offense when someone says cops are bad. Are all cops bad? No. I have several friends that are LE. But there certainly are lot of bad cops. When one cop does wrong, others cover it up and back him/her up. We've all seen it. If cops simply did what was right and called out those bad cops, we wouldn't have this mess.
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