Pmags in stock and what a STEAL!!!!

Larry Potterfield sure seems to be a gentleman! I am the alert list for Pmags and will NEVER buy from CTD again.. If a small business like AR Bunker can keep it real then you know who REALLY wants to help the shooter...
I don't know about you guys, but I am keeping track of all the nonsense I am seeing on the dealer sites and will not do business with folks like that.
I would like to have a few but dang I'm sure I'll be waiting awhile for the price to go back to normal cause I'm not going to get raped with those prices.

Prices aren't going back to normal, folks. Not this time. People are underestimating the machine behind this effort. Wish it weren't true, but you can mark my words. Save this post and make fun of me when WASRs are $400 and Colt ARs are $899 again, but it 'ain't happening.
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