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Opinions on Cellular trail cameras!

Don't get a anything other than a tactacam reveal. They're all junk compared. I run 2 reveals and have been for the last few months. The picture quality is amazing, trigger distance is greater than advertised and it also gets signal very very well.
Been having good luck this past month with the Moultree cams at the hunting property.
Battery life is still going strong after three months .

Only problems was once I had to reset one of the cams-power on/off to get it online again.

We had about three server offline issues where we could not retrieve pics due to problem with moultree....sucked.

Their customer service is an email thing where they take forever to get back to you in email form.....their replies are brief and don’t help for squat .
Can’t get them on the phone so don’t try.
If you complain about their crappy response they refer you to another hard to decipher email from the past which is ridiculous.
They get a total F- for customer service and they deserve it .

They ask for updates way too frequently and the cameras will start acting goofy if you don’t update them.

If you’re are piggybacking you’re phone app from someone who is the account holder they will have to update their app first before yours will work properly.
then go ahead and reset using their email and password once they update from their phone.

The cameras are very sensitive even being up in a tree 30’.

I get pictures every day from sun shadows which takes up most of my pics.

All in all from what I heard about other cams and what I know about these cameras I would still stick with the moultree cams and I will be getting some more for another property as the primary account holder.

I’m just wondering if it will mess me up since I’m already using the app and piggybacking off of my Bro in laws account on his cameras.
When you say piggybacking off your BIL’s account, how do the moultrie’s robots know who’s cellphone/tablet device is who’s since both you and your BIL use the same log-in email and password for the App?

Asking because I don’t want to be tethered to my nephew whom I just this month had him setup my 2 moultrie cellular cams using my credit card and my email account.. but he did this using his laptop and his cellphone !?

Good question but Mine will give me issues until he updates the account.
I asked the same question myself to no avail but as soon as he updates and I update my pics start coming through better because the pics will get jumbled or take time to show up until he updates.
We are due for an update now but for some reason I haven’t had any issues and neither of us have updated yet.
I have used the moultrie 7000 series for a while now. They are a little touchy at times bit my cell service in the area is spotted. I did have mine quit transmitting for a bit, but after bringing it to the house and leaving the battery out for a bit to reset it is working good again. You can change the setting not to take as many pics as the sun travels by. I've been pretty happy with it so far.
Last night I had 20 or so photos from the Moultrie
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