Opinions on a couple new forums

The chicken soup/feel good prayer request one ,there should be a "no Detractors" rule in this section. To many times these subjects are brought up only to have the resident athiests and agnostics go on a campain to disprove the persons beliefs and hi jack the OP,or as a chance for someone with an ax to grind(six) to pound on and/or post against another member (V). Let this forum be statements and requests,not debates on the validity of beliefs.
Been thinking about adding a couple of forums and wanted to see what you guys thought.

Chicken Soup: Feel Good Stories & Prayer Requests

What If....: Discussion about "What would you do" scenarios. This might could be included with the new "Tactics & Training" forum that you guys seem to want.


I like both ideas... except, can the what if be seperated from the t&t?
The chicken soup/feel good prayer request one ,there should be a "no Detractors" rule in this section. To many times these subjects are brought up only to have the resident athiests and agnostics go on a campaign to disprove the persons beliefs and hi jack the OP,or as a chance for someone with an ax to grind(six) to pound on and/or post against another member (V). Let this forum be statements and requests,not debates on the validity of beliefs.

All the above and basically no bashing of someones beliefs life can be hard enough and if your asking for help and prayers you do not need some jerk stomping on you.
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