ONE THING that is easy to overlook when making prep plans...

Reliance products makes one that has a more traditional seat style than the "luggable loo" that fits on a 5 gal. bucket.
I think Wal-mart has it for about $28.
It is definitely an important part of your overall "prep" plan.
toilet paper too!
Funny that you should say this. Current Military Intel is for all of our families to have 6 months of water, food and toilet paper on hand immediately as there will soon be 'fun in the streets'. That was actually a few months back! And take a look at the occupy situation. Anyway, I prefer the biodegradable moon floss wipes you can get a wallyworld for cheap, I think they are $3. they pack easy and have many uses. Good idea to go buy a case, it's not as though you won't use them. Also for BI, trash bag in the crapper,tie a knot in it a put it in a mass grave of log bags.
Sanitation is a problem when are water supply is interrupted. Food prep, clothes washing, garbage disposal and waste disposal all need attention. We are really spoiled in this country. The average person produces 3 pints of urine and one pound of feces a day. With larger groups of people the problem can get out of hand quickly. Layering lime, wood ash, and dirt work well in the bucket with a seat set up. Kitty litter works as well. Buckets have to be cleaned daily. Composting is a must. You need to watch out for water drainage. Minimum of 200 yards from a water source. The compost site needs to be dressed with lime/dirt/ash.Bad bacteria can travel 300 feet from the source. Flies and rodents are attracted to these sites and they can in turn contaminate your living space. Hand sanitizer in bulk is recommended. If you want to bag your waste, you can line inside your toilet with the bag and remove as needed. You should have a solid plan.
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(Deuteronomy 23:12-13) 12*And a private place should be at your service outside the camp, and you must go out there. 13*And a peg should be at your service along with your implements, and it must occur that when you squat outside, you must also dig a hole with it and turn and cover your excrement.

I think the original plan is still one of the best. But a bottomless bucket or wooden frame with a toilet seat sure would make it a little easier. I like what ya'll said too. Get the Gazillion bag pack of small can liners from Sams and line the toilet bowl when the need arises.
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