Obama Poised to Carry Out Hostile Military Takeover of US

But of course nobody addresses the incredible logic of the quote.

The logic is mute, when people actually having to "earn a living" are working that much harder to provide for other that would rather be taken care of.

I want to be clear, I'm mostly referring to those taking advantage of the system, not those needing a hand up.
The logic is mute, when people actually having to "earn a living" are working that much harder to provide for other that would rather be taken care of.

I want to be clear, I'm mostly referring to those taking advantage of the system, not those needing a hand up.

You may have missed it. Read the quote.
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You may have missed it. Read the quote.

I read the quote, but it was Liberal as hell, man. That is socialism to the Pepsi Max!!! I personally like working, and I don't need others' money to support me. That's what the regime wants: everyone to live off of the government until ALL of the money runs out (hence the taxpayers/redistribution). Indeed, that man was bankrupt and jobless . . . there goes that logic.
I read the quote, but it was Liberal as hell, man. That is socialism to the Pepsi Max!!! I personally like working, and I don't need others' money to support me. That's what the regime wants: everyone to live off of the government until ALL of the money runs out (hence the taxpayers/redistribution). Indeed, that man was bankrupt and jobless . . . there goes that logic.

There is a big difference between reading something and understanding it. I am disappointed with the pejoratives you chose. You're better than that.

That quote in no way said that the brainwashed need to stop working and feel like they're better than everybody else.

Nope. You can keep on keeping on.
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Neither party is perfect. I find faults with both sets of ideology. I just find a good bit more fault with the Republican platform. One thing neither party seems to grasp and that there are always going to be things that can't be fixed. Attempts to fix these things just breaks something else. Every year for example, people die from gunshot wounds. In any given same year however, many lives are saved by guns. This is the number that needs to be addressed. How many lives can thank a gun...many of which don't even know their lives were saved. Just the probability of a gun being in place thwarts many crimes from ever even occurring. We all know this but we continue either fighting against or for over that one statistic of lives lost.

Since the day this land became a country, we've had to pay taxes to fund our government. Heck, other than the earliest inhabitants (natives), we were paying them before too but just to a different government. Taxes are not a new idea nor are they just a Democratic answer to funding the country. I don't think the upper 2 percent should pay a higher percentage than the working man but I do think they should pay the same. The money has to come from somewhere. Keep borrowing more and more? That's no good. Spend less? Sounds good but doesn't seem to work on paper and no one is happy with the cuts...especially Big Bird. Bush wrote some big checks, didn't account in his budget the cost of war...now Obama is a tyrant for paying the bills Bush rang up. I don't get it.
So you have not answered the first question. 1.Define trickle down economics. You then say we should all pay the same on a percentage basis. Followed by the money has to come from somewhere.
Allow me to explain my opinion. Money comes from the productive efforts of every man, woman and child putting the natural and learned ability of their mind and body towards a physical task (usually with a goal in mind). Government collects money by taking a cut or percentage of that production. When we talk about taxes we should be crystal clear as to the method or object of taxation.
We the people created Government, in all it's various forms. So it stands to reason that Government has only the authority we the people give it. Now if we apply logic and reason we can also state that we the people cannot grant to Government power or authority we ourselves do not have. For instance, we cannot grant Government the authority to murder people. (Think Due process,fair trial, etc.)
The point is simple, general taxation or excise/consumption taxes is a power we all have. How? Simple market pricing,we can increase the price of a good or service to reflect the amount of money we wish to donate to Government. Simple. We cannot however dictate the amount of tax our neighbor should or will pay. One is voluntary the other is forced. Simple to understand and fair to everyone involved.
When you use terms like "trickle down economics" I have a negetive reaction. When Government confiscates 50% of my paycheck, then that money is filtered through the giant maw of Government,what "trickles down" to those who recieve Government "benifits" is about .48 on the dollar. Now as it stands today we have roughly $60,000,000,000,000.00 trillion dollars in unfunded promises. We are currently 16.4 trillion dollars overdrawn on our Government checking account and we have a bill coming due that is six times that amount. I agree "trickle down economics does not work" unless your goal is to enslave an entire Nation of people to the Government,then it is working wondefuly. This entire left/right argument is pure folly and the playground of fools. Those who entertain these arguments have little or no clue what is going on right before their eyes. Your black, I am White,you are gay I am straight etc etc ad nauseum. When people begin to truly wake up,perhaps then we can go about correcting the problem,until then as long as you try to identify with one side or the other. Well sir you are the problem and any attempt to convince me you have a solution that does not include keeping me enslaved to your personal ideology will fall on deaf ears.
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Bush tax cuts were in place for 12 years. They did not work. Jobs were created...sure...but in China. It's a world market now. Corporate welfare is far more costly to our economy than feeding our poor. You call it "socialism" to take from the rich and give to the poor. What do you call it to starve the poor to better feed the rich? You can argue till you are blue in the face that the rich earned their money. However, it's not always the case. Taking billions in government subsidies and tax cuts and CEOs keeping it and bankrupting the company or farming cheap labor overseas and banking the spoils in Dubai is not "trickling" down on the rest of us as intended. It didn't work for Reagan. It didn't work for either Bush. It won't work for the next Republican if there ever is one. Deregulating and cutting out programs for the lower and middle class to prop up the richest 2% of so-called "job creators" only serves to undo our society back to the days before FDR when there was never even a notion of a middle class. Just a few rich and the rest dirt poor...but because they didn't ever know any other life, the poor back then didn't really know they were that poor.
To answer the OP: A military coup could happen, we are fools not to be weary of people that have no idea what they have been injected with or brainwased to believe (I served too guys you know what I am talking about). I do not think it would be a direct split 50/50 but we as Americans must remember we have no historical culture as a people outside of pop culture that we share. I would be venture to say that there are a lot more than we feel comfortable admitting that when faced with "Treason" or "Liberty" they will side with treason to keep their families and personal belongings "Safe". Until the day where the two dogs meet....I guess we will just have to speculate in the interim.

Strider: in response to your quote, "Jobs are created to continue to cycle of indentured servitude" because of a social paradigm where we equate "Debt Notes" with wealth dipicted by a media to further sell the lie. "You are not pretty unless you wear X, you are not a successful man unless you drive Y, etc"

Prevsrt4owner: I like you enjoy working, but how much of our work is sent to support others? Do you collect 100% of your earnings? The regime does not want you to stop working on the contrary you are the lifeblood of their wealth because you DO WORK. An economic crash would be nothing more than "Re-Nig" of a contract set in creating indentured servitude. We have a financial institution (Private mind you) that creates and distributes our nations wealth.....do they take an oath of office or swear allegiance to the constitution? I am afraid not my friend, in truth they are the primary problem.
There is a big difference between reading something and understanding it. I am disappointed with the pejoratives you chose. You're better than that.
We sometimes comprehend in different ways. I'm guessing you didn't like the Liberal and Pepsi Max words? I reread everything I said, and I'll still stand by it. That's how I saw that quote. Many others will have different interpretations, but it's usually molded/biased toward one's belief. Your cat looks pissed off at me fuh show.

That quote in no way said that the brainwashed need to stop working and feel like they're better than everybody else.

Nope. You can keep on keeping on.
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